How to sell an apartment most effectively

Published: 22. nov 2019.

How do you sell your apartment most effectively? You own an apartment and you want to sell it as fast as possible, but you don’t know how? Getting that job done isn’t really easy. But no worries, nothing is impossible. We prepared a few tips and tricks on how to ease the process of selling your real estate.

11 tips and tricks on how to sell an apartment most effectively


Presell preparation

Before your estate is ready to be shown to potential customers, you need to do some preparations. Most importantly, you should have all the needed documents and paperwork. That way you earn your buyer’s trust.  



In this step, you need to decide either if you are going to sell your property on your own or are you leaving that to professionals. If you want to sell the apartment on your own, think of the way to advertise (newspaper, internet, tv commercials, social networks).


Real estate agency

Yet, if you have decided to get help from professionals, you have to choose the right real estate agency. You need to be careful with this decision because not all estate agencies are reliable and trustworthy. It’s up to you to find the agency that will come up to your expectations. Ask people who have the experience to recommend you or to help with your quest.


First impression

A lot depends on your first impression. That means you need to make sure that the potential customer is satisfied with what he or she sees. Make sure to show off the quality and comfort of the apartment. It has to be clean, and filled with fresh air. Remove unnecessary objects and things.

Details matter

It’s not the same if the picture on the wall is under an angle or straight if you have your laundry on your terrace, or not if the space between floor tiles is clean. These details tell a lot about the interior and can affect the first impression a lot.



Light. Apartment choice is in most cases depends on the amount of daylight that is penetrating the apartment. Try to match the colors and decorate the apartment, and with more light, it would certainly be more pleasing and beautiful


Change the air in the apartment

Fresh air is very important. It affects the first impression. You don’t want a wave of stale air to be the first thing the potential buyer will notice. Change the air in the rooms before the customer comes. Fresh air is certainly more pleasant than the smell of lunch or cigarettes.


Talk with the buyer

It’s very important that you talk with your customers. Answer all their questions and make sure to present your real estate at the brightest light.

If you’re selling the apartment on your own, determine the lowest price, underneath which the customer cant go. Also, make sure that the price fits the quality ad the size of the apartment so that it would be affordable to the potential clients.


Give the customer enough of freedom

Allow the potential buyer to do all the measures of the rooms and the elements. There’s no reason to strain him. It’s also important that he is allowed to inspect the apartment, of course, as long as his requirements are within normal limits, there is no need for uncomfortable situations.


Let the professionals do their job

If you are selling the apartment over a real estate agency, don’t interrupt the work of the professionals – let them do the job they are the best at. Your part is to introduce the agents to your estate and to fill in the information they need.


If you do the work on your own, you should know…

 The burden of the harder wor falls on you back. That includes talking to the customers, determining the price, and all the other details you have to deal with. Also, you need to see is the customer really worth talking to, or should you find another one.

If you are renting your apartment click here to get informed on how to get the job done easier.


You just have to relax, while the work is done by itself!

Whether you are selling an apartment for the first or millionth time, we strongly recommend that you stick to these few tips and we’ll make sure to ease the job as much as possible. Don’t bother yourself with the complex part of the work, just leave it to the experts, and just relax and take care of the small details. Follow the steps given above and make your real estate experience as easy as any daily routine.